With the mission of promoting teaching, research, extension and health care with excellence, offering the community professionals with scientific, ethical, humanistic and social responsibility training, is that the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo ( FCMSCSP) had its history started in 1884, in the heights of Arouche. In 1912, a project was presented to the Ombudsman of the Brotherhood that formalized the teaching of medical science and, a year later, the institution began to offer secondary education in the region as well.
Considered the first place to train physicians and surgeons in the State of São Paulo, the Hospital da Santa Casa officially hosted, from 1962 onwards, the FCMSCSP, whose inaugural lecture was given on May 24, 1963. Since then, the The institution trained more than five thousand physicians, 500 masters, 250 doctors and 30 professors. Today, five courses are offered by the Faculty, which operates on a private basis.
FCMSCSP is maintained by the Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Foundation and has part of its campus located in the Hospital Complex of Irmandade de Misericórdia da Santa Casa de São Paulo, a teaching hospital maintained by the Unified Health System (SUS), consisting of three units: Central Hospital, São Luís Gonzaga Hospital and D. Pedro II Geriatric and Convalescent Hospital, in addition to Basic Health Units located in the Central Region of the City of São Paulo. Undergraduate and postgraduate activities are carried out at the Central Hospital.
The fact that it is installed in a renowned hospital environment, allows FCMSCSP students to have immediate contact with infirmary environments, regardless of the period they are attending. Professors, in turn, teach in real working environments, such as laboratories, wards, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), post-anesthetic recovery, surgical centers and emergency rooms, which generates the experience of the profession in its various aspects.
Nursing, Speech Therapy, Medicine, Radiology and Biomedical Systems. The selection of candidates for the courses is done through the VUNESP entrance exam.
Rua Doutor Cesário Motta Júnior, nº 61, 3rd floor, Vila Buarque, São Paulo – SP
(11) 3367-7700/ 7837
The Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo is a centuries-old institution, of Portuguese origin, which has been dedicated, since the 16th century, to assisting orphans, the elderly, the poor and the sick. The word mercy understands in the emotional sense “putting kindness, the heart”, in acts in favor of others. For a long time, this was the only hospital in the city and, as São Paulo broadened its horizons and the population grew, it became necessary to reserve more space to welcome and care for the sick.
In 1884, a new Hospital was inaugurated “in the heights of Arouche”, located, until today, in the same place. In 1912, Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho, the Hospital’s clinical director, presented a project to the Brotherhood’s Ombudsman that formalized the teaching of Medical Sciences at the Hospital. In 1913, Medical Education began at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of São Paulo. Thus, Hospital da Santa Casa was the first place to train physicians and surgeons in the State of São Paulo.
In the mid-1930s, with the creation of the University of São Paulo (USP), the clinical chairs of the Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo used the wards of Santa Casa, with the Course given by “Dr. Arnaldo” integrated to that of USP, whose basic chairs were transferred to the building on Avenida Doutor Arnaldo in 1945.
From 1933 onwards, students from another medical teaching institution also benefited from the learning offered by the Central Hospital: the Escola Paulista de Medicina, current Federal University of the State of São Paulo (Unifesp), until the 50s and the beginning of the activities of the first hospital unit built exclusively for teaching in the country, Hospital São Paulo. In that same decade, the units of the Hospital de Clínicas at USP were being activated and its students transferred to the new facilities.
Due to these historical facts, Hospital da Santa Casa was the birthplace of the first Medical Schools in the city of São Paulo. This vocation for teaching, assistance and research persisted and resulted in historic claims for future physicians to return to it. Currently, an average of more than 8,000 people are treated daily in all medical specialties, with more than 1,200 beds available for hospitalization. More than 90,000 outpatient visits and another 80,000 emergency calls are performed monthly, around 4,000 hospitalizations, 3,000 operations and 300,000 tests in our own laboratories and 50,000 tests in the excellent Diagnostic Imaging services. Emergency services in all specialties and highly complex services are considered a benchmark in our region.
From the assistance point of view, its profile, its philanthropic commitment, propose that resources obtained in the Unified Health System (SUS) and with Supplementary Medicine be reinvested in its hospitals, so that this four-hundred-year-old institution maintains the most modern medical equipment, allied to highly qualified professionals, offer the population of Brazil the best possible health care.
In October 1962, the then Provedor, Dr. Christiano Altenfelder Silva, an enthusiast of the idea of creating a Medical School, announced to the Board of Directors that the creation of the FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF SANTA CASA DE SÃO PAULO (FCMSCSP) had been approved. Its didactic format was established by the Associação dos Médicos da Santa Casa, chaired by Professor Emilio Athié, another enthusiast of the idea of the School. Both are duly considered the founders of this Faculty. It is characterized as a private, philanthropic, non-profit institution, maintained by the Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Foundation (FAVC).
On May 24, 1963, the inaugural lecture of the Medicine course at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo was given by academic Pedro Calmon, Rector of the University of Brazil. The official recognition of the course was issued through Federal Decree No. 62,044, dated January 4, 1968. The first Director of the institution was Professor Emilio Athié and this post was occupied by other professors, being since 2011 directed by Professor Doutor Valdir Golin, former student of the Faculty.
In 2000, the Ministry of Education approved the creation of the Nursing course with the concept “A” and the beginning of teaching activities in 2001. In that same year, the undergraduate course in Speech Therapy was approved, starting teaching activities in 2002, also with grade “A” by MEC. In 2008, Telemedicine activities began, providing short courses to medical institutions, in addition to Distance Education courses being implemented, through its Department of Informatics.
As of 2015, the activities of two Superior Courses in Technology, Biomedical Systems, and Radiology began, aimed at the operational training of specialists in the installation, handling, and repair of highly and progressively sophisticated equipment used intensively in the medical-hospital environment, and image-producing equipment.
With a highly qualified teaching staff, 440 professors currently work at FCMSCSP, who are references in their areas of activity, adding practical knowledge to teacher training, qualifying their activities in the areas of research, teaching, extension, assistance and management, with 71 .8% (316) of the professors have a doctoral degree or higher, 17.6% (77) have a master’s degree and 10.7% (47) are specialists. Most of this faculty graduated from the Faculty itself, as well as the members of the Hospital Services, who work or occupy command posts. Currently, they teach more than 1,384 students in the five undergraduate courses and 3,970 students in more than 50 postgraduate courses, in several areas in the stricto sensu and lato sensu modalities.
Inserted in the Hospital Complex of the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo is positioned among the best Higher Education Institutions in Medicine in the country, according to an evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education (Enade) , in 2013. Its contribution to development in the health area is evidenced by the numerous scientific researches, both in the basic and clinical areas, with around 40 research groups registered with the Ministry of Science and Technology. Students and professors carry out renowned techno-scientific research activities in various entities, such as Hospital Central, Hospital São Luís Gonzaga, Health Center-Escola Barra Funda and Hospital Geriatrico Dom Pedro II.
Rector: Prof. doctor José Eduardo Lutaif Dolci
Vice-Chancellor: Prof. doctor Irineu Francisco Delfino Silva Massaia
Director: Prof. doctor Adriano Namo Cury
Deputy Director: Prof. Dr. Giselle Burlamaqui Klautau
Director: Prof. Dr. Livia Keismanas de Ávila
Deputy Director: Prof. Dr. Fernanda Machado Silva Rodrigues
Director: Prof. Dr. Noemi Takiuchi
Deputy Director: Prof. Dr. Marina Martins Pereira Padovani
Director: Prof. doctor Rafael Eidi Goto
Deputy Director: Prof. Ms. Felipe Favaro Capeleti
Lato Sensu Postgraduate Coordinator: Prof. doctor Robert Stirbulov
Strictu Senso Postgraduate Coordinator: Profa. doctor Adhemar Monteiro Pacheco Junior
Culture Coordinator: Prof. doctor Décio Cassiani Altimari
Extension Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Adriana Limongeli Gurgueira
Director Secretary: Prof. doctor Luiz Henrique Amaral
Department of Physiological Sciences: Prof. Dr. Luciana Malavolta Quaglio
Department of Pathological Sciences: Prof. Dr. Fabiola Del Carlo Bernardi
Department of Morphology: Prof. Dr. Mirna Duarte Barros
Department of Collective Health: Prof. Dr. Nivaldo Carneiro Junior
Department of Internal Medicine: Prof. Dr. Milton Luiz Gorzoni
Department of Surgery: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Altenfelder Silva
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Prof. Dr. Paulo Augusto Ayroza Galvão Ribeiro
Department of Ophthalmology: Prof. Dr. Maria Auxiliadora Monteiro Frazão
Department of Otorhinolaryngology: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Alexander Scalia
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology: Prof. Dr. Maria Fernanda Silber Caffaro
Department of Pediatrics and Childcare: Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Palazzi Safadi
Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Riyoiti Uchida