The Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Foundation is a philanthropic entity of an educational, non-profit nature. Legal entity of private law, it was established for an indefinite period, by public deed, dated September 14, 1962, with headquarters and forum in the Capital of the State of São Paulo, at Rua Dr. Cesário Motta Júnior, 61.
The structure of the Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho Foundation is formed by the Curator Council, Fiscal Council, Executive Board and Superintendency.
The Foundation aims to:
I. Maintain the Santa Casa de Sao Paulo School of Medical Sciences;
II. Cultivate knowledge in all fields of pure and applied knowledge, encouraging the production of inputs of any order in the technical courses, superiors and services rendered, reverting the result to the institutional ends;
III. Contribute to the integral formation of the personality of the members of their student community, enabling them to perform professional, technical and / or scientific activities, as well as providing the means for a continuing education;
IV. Develop science and technology, through basic or applied and / or extension research, especially related to medical, health and / or social problems, encouraging the production of inputs of any order in the technical, superior courses and services provided, reverting the result to the institutional ends;
V. Participate in the country’s development process, especially in the region where it is located, by promoting studies and research on its problems and the formation of human resources to meet its needs; and
VI. Articulate with similar institutions and develop studies for the improvement of their activities.
Sr. Elizeu de Jesus Lima
Dr. Luiz Piccinini Filho
Dr. Edison Ferreira da Silva
Dr. Valdonor Vadala
Dr. Renato Ginnini Júnior
Dr. Marjo Deninson Cardenuto Perez
Dr. João Carlos Nunes
Cel. Raugeston Benedito Bizarria Dias (Presidente)
Dr. Fernando de Camargo Sheldon Júnior
Dr. Jorge Damião de Almeida
Dr. Antonio Carlos Jorge
Dr. Antonio Cleidenir Tonico Ramos (Presidente)
Dr. Douglas Jorge
Dr. Edoardo Rivetti
Dr. Fabio Gabriel dos Santos
Dr. Jorge Yamaniski Filho
Dr. Luís Eulálio de Bueno Vidigal Filho
Dr. Luiz Fernando Nogueira de Lima (Vice-Presidente)
Dr. Luiz Gonzaga Bertelli
Cel. Marcos Roberto Chaves da Silva (Secretário)
Dra. Marianne Pinotti
Dr. Modesto de Souza Barros Carvalhosa
Dr. Paulo Bezerril Junior
Dr. Walter Vicioni Gonçalves
Director: Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Herrerias de Campos
Vice Diretor: Prof. Dr. Luiz Henrique Amaral
Director: Prof.ª Dra. Giselle Burlamaqui Klautau
Vice Diretor: Prof.ª Dra. Rosane Lowenthal
Director: Prof.ª Dra. Lívia Keismanas de Ávila
Vice Diretor: Prof.ª Dra. Cell Regina da Silva Noca
Director – Profa. Dra. Vera Lúcia dos Santos Alves
Director: Prof.ª Dra. Marina Martins Pereira Padovani
Vice Diretor: Prof.ª Dra. Adriana Limongeli Gurgueira
Director: Prof. Me. Rafael Eidi Goto
Vice Diretor: Prof. Me. Felipe Favaro Capeleti
Presentation for Students
General Presentation