Clinical and Surgical Nursing
The objective of the course is to enable nurses to provide comprehensive systematized care to hospitalized adult and elderly patients.
The postgraduate course in Educational Audiology aims to provide theoretical-practical instrumentation to speech-language pathologists.
The Postgraduate Course in Voice Speech Therapy provides theoretical and practical instrumentation to speech therapists.
The objective of the course is to enable nurses to provide comprehensive systematized care to hospitalized adult and elderly patients.
The course aims to allow the development of technical, political and administrative skills of nurses to work in Primary Health Care.
The course focuses on the training of nurses in the areas of care, management, teaching and research.
The course aims to meet current demands as well as facilitate nurses access to the labor market.
The student should be able to provide quality nursing care, based on scientific knowledge to the elderly.
The course seeks to train nurses to work in the area of service management and nursing care in hospital admission units.
The course aims to train the nurse specialist in the area of assistance to low risk newborns at high risk with need for hospitalization in an Intensive Care Unit.
The objective of the course is to train nurses to perform specialized nursing activities in ophthalmology.
The course aims to update knowledge and qualify nurses to provide comprehensive assistance to the female audience and their families.
The course seeks to enable the exercise of care, education, research and management of actions during the gestational period, childbirth and birth and in the puerperium.
The course aims to provide quality nursing care, based on scientific and humanized knowledge to the child and the adolescent.
The course seeks to train nurses to work in the Psychosocial Care Network.
The aim of the course is to train nurses for specialized work in the area of Surgical Center, Anesthetic Recovery and Material and Sterilization Center.
The course seeks to promote the specialization of nurses who work or wish to work in urgency and emergency services.
The course aims to enable the professional in the specialty in all dimensions: prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
The aim of the course is to enable the professional to develop clinical practice with scientific knowledge.
The course seeks practical training and theoretical instruction to physiotherapists in the area, encompassing preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects.
The course provides knowledge, through clinical practice and theoretical instruction, to physiotherapists.
The course aims to promote theoretical-practical knowledge of physical training, evidencing the importance of the same in the medical and surgical clinic.
The aim of the course is to enable the professional to develop clinical practice in the aging process with scientific knowledge.
The aim of the course is to offer students an instrument for careful evaluation and understanding of the pathological process.
The course aims to provide training for physical therapists to qualify and deepen specific knowledge.
The postgraduate course in Hospital Management aims to train specialists in hospital administration, with capacity for planning and management of hospitals.
The postgraduate course in Conjugal Infertility and Assisted Human Reproduction aims to promote teaching, research and updating in this area.
It seeks the improvement of doctors with basic training in Medical Expertise, through practical activities in the different modalities of skills.
The course takes care of the physical, psychic and social well-being of the human being who is exposed to an environment with high barometric pressure (hyperbarism).
The objective is to provide legal knowledge about situations that doctors experience in their daily life, allowing greater security in their work.
The course has the purpose of training physicians to perform civil, criminal, social security, labor, security and administrative in general.
The course aims to train and improve physicians to guide, analyze, conduct research and contribute to the educational organization of traffic.
The objective is to train doctors who wish to work in this specialty, in companies, in unions of employers or workers and in public bodies.
Post-graduation in Neuroscience and the Sustainable Future of People and Organizations aims to promote the acquisition of neuroscientific knowledge applied to management to provide the market with the skilled labor to apply this knowledge in the sustainable development of people and organizations.
The postgraduate course in Neuroscience Applied to Education aims to deepen the understanding of the neural mechanisms related to learning, memory, attention, self-regulation (risk behaviors) and executive functions (decision making, planning, logical reasoning, among others).
The postgraduate course in Clinical Research and Medical Affairs has as main objective the training of professionals with solid knowledge in the process of developing medicines and health products.
The objective of the Postgraduate course in Hospital Psychology is to provide specific knowledge related to the psychologist’s performance in the hospital context.
The Postgraduate Course in Neuropsychology proposes to train Psychologists to work in the area of Neuropsychology in its various contexts.
The postgraduate course in Psychology in the Basic Network of Health Care aims to develop the practice of the psychologist to work in the Unified Health System (SUS).
The objective of the Postgraduate course in Phenomenological Psychopathology is to prepare the student to better diagnose and structure therapeutic strategies in mental health.
The course of Post-graduation in Psychiatry aims to enable the student to deal with the most common Disorders in Psychiatry.
The main objective of the Graduate Course in Psychopathology and Public Health is to establish a field of dialogue between psychopharmacology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
The postgraduate course in Psychosomatics aims to provide theoretical and practical resources for the proper management of biopsychosocial phenomena and pathologies.
The postgraduate course in Radiotherapy aims to promote knowledge in Radiotherapy, developing the skills and abilities to operate teletherapy and brachytherapy equipment.
The objective of the postgraduate course in Technology in Diagnostic Imaging is to provide the training of the Specialist in Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance through the development of specific anatomical, physical, operational, pathological and technological competences.