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Bruno Kusznir Vitturi, a student of the 6th year of Medicine of the Santa Casa de Sao Paulo School of Medical Sciences (FCMSCSP) was invited to give a lecture at the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, held July 8-10, 2019, in Paris, in France.
The title of the class was “Can we predict who will develop dementia?”. It lasted 30 minutes and was taught in English. The class sought to address important topics in Neurology today, such as primary prevention, genetics and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease.
He was also invited to be a moderator on the second day of lectures in the Dementia area.
“It was an incredible opportunity for my interest and motivation for the scientific research in Neurology awakened in part by the influence of Titular Teachers of the Discipline of Neurology of the FCMSCSP,” he said.