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The national scenario lacks standardized instruments for assessing Theory of Mind (ToM) in children, as well as studies on its psychometric properties. Objective: perform a psychometric study of the Mind Test for Children considering the extended version (TMEC-A), predicted version (TMEC-R) and subtest 4. A total of 262 TMECA children aged from 4 to 6 years (M=5.0; SD=0.49), 226 TMEC-R children aged from 4 to 7 years (M=5.72; SD=1.12) and 233 Subtest 4 children aged from 6 to 11 years (M= 8.05; SD=1.44) participated on the study. TMEC-A (72 items) and TMECR (20 items) consist on 4 subtests, that assess: understanding of perspective, attribution of thought and knowledge, attribution of basic emotions and ToM from complex situations and emotions. Results: for the total sample, the TMEC-A showed good precision (α = 0.89). In the analysis by subtest (Gutman’s Lambda 2 coefficient), subtests 2 and 3 showed good internal consistency (0.75 and 0.89, respectively). In TMEC-A group significant diferences were found between the performance of 6-yearolds when compared to the others and by gender (best performance shown by girls). In the TMEC-R group there were differences by age (4 years old children showed lower performance) and by gender (better performance for girls), with no differences by type of school. In subtest 4, differences were found by age, gender (better performance for girls) and school (better performance of children from private schools). The study presents evidence of the validity and reliability of the TMEC. Based on the results presented, it will be possible to prepare specific normative tables according to age, gender and type of school.