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Smoking is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the largest single preventable cause of death, it is associated to around 50 diseases and to the increasing risk of multiple health problems. It is estimated that 8 million deaths a year are caused by the direct consumption of tobacco products or by exposure to its smoke, called secondhand smoke. The prevalence of smoking in Brazil went through an important reduction in the last three decades, being pointed out as a positive consequence of the implementation of the “Política Nacional de Controle do Tabaco”. However, as smoking becomes less prevalent in our society, it’s observed a smaller decrease in prevalence among the poorest social strata, increasing social inequality. This study aimed to describe the trend of smoking prevalence associated to demographic and socioeconomic factors from different social strata, in the city of São Paulo in the periods of 2008 and 2015 and analyze, from the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, introducing the concept of habitus that favors the subjective dimension and the sociohistorical context in which individual practices are inscribed in contrast to the lifestyle concept. A descriptive epidemiological study was conducted with secondary data analysis of the temporal, spatial and personal attributes distribution and factors associated to smoking in the city of São Paulo in the periods of 2008 and 2015. Secondary data was collected in health surveys in the city of São Paulo – ISA Capital. We carried out a descriptive statistical analysis of the prevalence rates and 95% confidence intervals of the following dependent variables: age at smoking onset, intensity of cigarette consumption, quit attempt, smoking cessation; according to the following sociodemographic variables: education, gender, race-color, family income, position in occupation, work situation, occupational group, and activity sector. In the result analysis, the concept of habitus was evidenced in the behavioral perspective. It is concluded that although the prevalence of smoking has been decreasing between the two periods of the ISA Capital in all educational levels, showing the effectiveness of the tobacco control policy in Brazil, inequalities persist in less educated groups of people, maintaining the highest prevalence of smoking both in 2008 and 2015. Other resulting patterns within social strata also point to the maintenance of social inequalities and present the need for expansion of public policies that are not only centered on the individuals autonomy evaluation over their behavior but also on the distinction made between social classes.