FCM / Santa Casa program provides more than 1,000 medical cares in Araraquara. The action involved more than 350 students and professionals.

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The health team of the Scientific and Assistance Expeditions Program (Peca), held in the northern region of Araraquara from January 24 to 29, ended with more than 1 thousand medical cares to the population, according to statistics from the Municipal Health Secretariat.

The program was developed in partnership with the Santa Casa de Sao Paulo School of Medical Sciences (FCMSCSP) and Santa Casa de Araraquara.

There were 636 people seen in consultations and examinations, at an average of about 100 people per day. There were still 387 returns for further consultations. Peca also performed 70 ultrasounds, 64 audiometries (phonoaudiology), 36 refractions (ophthalmology) and 15 home visits.

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